Breaking Report: Harvard Scientists Validate NASA Developed Wearable Technology. That Boosts Circulation & Supercharages Human Healing On Contact.

  NASA Technology Accelerates Healing

Target Pain and Get Full Body Relief In Just Minutes By Using This NASA Developed "Instant Healing" Technology...

Increase Healing At 50, 60 or Even 70 Years Of Age...

  In A Breakthrough Study 100% Of The Participants That Used This NASA Inspired "Wearable" Technology And Experienced INSTANTLY Increased Circulation, Boosted Healing, And Significant Pain Reduction In As Little As 15 Minutes.

  • Ease Pain In Seconds, Anywhere on The Body
  • ​Applies In Seconds
  • ​Safely Boost Circulation, and Supercharge Healing
  • Clinically Proven and Laboratory Verified

I Have Laid Out Every Detail Below...

Imagine Easing Pain In Seconds Without A Single Pill, Supplement Or Cream

Sound Crazy, Right?

Well, Look Very Closely At This Photo...

The Top Photo is Slow, Poor Circulation and Slow Healing...

If you are over 50, this is probably what your circulation looks like right now. 

What you are looking at are blood vessels, as viewed in a microcirculation machine.

The top photo is blood vessels that are old and worn.

As You Can See There Is Not A Deep Red FLOW Of Any Kind, It Appears As If Blood Is Barely Moving At All As The Vessels Just Fade Into The Background.

This is what it looks like if you have POOR circulation.

Your blood is just sitting around, idle - not performing its function. 

This is why your fingers and toes are left white and you seem to get cold.

Your blood is NOT making it where it should and it is moving VERY slow, unable to do its function. 

It is NOT healing and CERTAINLY not providing soothing relief.

If you are over 50, this is most likely how your blood flow looks right now.

This is why you are not healing.

This Is The Poor Circulation Of Someone In CHRONIC Pain Who Has Been Searching For Relief For Years...

This is the circulation of someone who NO LONGER heals. 

Now, look just below... 

The Bottom Photo is Healthy Circulation That Soothes and Heals...

As you can tell immediately the blood vessels are distinct. 

You can see exactly where the blood is flowing, filling the vessels.

The Vessels Look THICKER And FULL As Blood Seems To FILL And Race Through The Circulatory System And Heal Inflamed, Painful Tissues

This person has GREAT circulation, circulation that can make a difference.

If they hurt, at all, their circulation is there to heal and soothe. 

This is a PICTURE of healthy circulation.

This is someone that does NOT worry about pain or slow healing because their body is FIRING on all cylinders.

Their joints and tissues are fresh, healed and recovered

Now, Here Is The Incredible Part...

This is the SAME PERSON, Just 60 Seconds Apart...

Yes! This circulation belongs to the same person. 

... And it wasn't a different day or year.

It was the SAME day, just 60 seconds apart.

In JUST 60 SECONDS they went from circulation that would leave them in a LIFE of agony, to that of a healthy person.

They Went From An Excruciating Existence To Healing Like A 20-Year-Old In Just 60 Seconds...

... And They Did Not Take A Single Pill Or Inject A Shot 


They used something else, something non-intrusive that you are going to learn about today.

Something that you can use 24/7 to "target boost" circulation and initiate accelerated healing.

That is what this ENTIRE report is about.

It is about a way to TARGET your pain and SOOTHE it quickly and safely using a clinically proven protocol.

You will be able to call upon your OWN circulation to heal and soothe, much like when you were younger. 

A protocol that is laboratory validated (see video below).

In less than 5 minutes you will have this ENTIRE secret and ageless muscles and joints and know how to use it daily. 

Let's jump right in...

Recently Disclosed NASA Technology Is The Future Of "On Contact" Pain Relief & Healing 

No Creams Or Pills Required


My name is Clint Winters and I am a medical scientist.

If you suffer from daily joint or muscle pain you are going to love every work on this page. 

In just minutes I’m also going to reveal a simple, “at home” solution that will work to soothe your pain anywhere on your body.

Even multiple places at once. 
... And it begins working in just 15 minutes and gets stronger over time. 

In Just Minutes This Technology Will Soothe Your Inflamed Tissues And “Tamp Down” Pain. All While Accelerating The Tissue Healing Process. 

You actually FEEL it accelerate healing...

You’re about to discover the first REAL natural way to target your pain and get fast relief.

Plus, this innovation was fully clinically proven in a randomized clinical trial.  

It revolves around a NASA discovery, which NOW has a brand new application. 

What I Am Revealing Directly Addresses The Root Cause Of Pain And Lack Of Healing.

It works by accelerating your body's natural ability to heal.

Essentially turning back the hands of time to when your body could fend for itself. 

A time when you lived "pain-free"

But I have even better news for you today…

You see, this easy, “at home” solution works incredibly fast.

How fast does it work?

Well, in one recent clinical study, there were positive relief effects in as little as 15 minutes, with substantial effects within 24 hours.

In laboratory analysis, the healing benefit begins within seconds. 

Better yet, results keep improving over time.

The LONGER you use it, the BETTER you feel.  

Think about that, if you had this technology right now, you could feel like a whole new person in less than one day.

And be on the path to feeling better than ever. 

Plus, Here Is What I Can Promise

  • You Have Never Heard Of This Technology Publicly, It Has Been Under Wraps
  • Results Are Documented By Gold Standard Clinical Trials
  • You can actually SEE the results with your own eyes (laboratory proven)
  • ​You can actually FEEL the results in real time
Cool, right?

How many other pain solutions can make these promises? ZERO

Every other solution you have to "trust" that it's working.

Today, that changes.

Today you get to SEE relief in REAL TIME and know how your body is benefiting.

Plus, this technology can provide full body relief.

What I Am Revealing Today...

Fights Virtually Every Type Of Pain

Circulation is involved with EVERY inch of your body.

It flows everywhere, and HEALS everywhere.

… And that is why the technology I am revealing today has been so effective for thousands of test users.

It soothes and heals virtually every type of pain... 
... And I am not talking pseudo science.

This technology has been PROVEN in a gold standard clinical trial. 

In A Breakthrough Clinical Trial

Pain Was Significantly Reduced In Just Minutes While Reducing More Each Day...

Yes! Results Got Better Over Time

Think about what that would mean for you…


Finally being able to LIVE again, without pain.

Falling asleep in minutes, then getting up KNOWING you have the ability and willpower to get outside and enjoy life.

Finally playing golf again, or getting out on the tennis court.

Heck, even just sitting and watching TV without your mind wandering to your state of agony. 

Now, here’s the surprising part…

Because this new breakthrough does more than simply “dial down” the inflammation you are experiencing.

What I Reveal Today Actually Works To Target Your Pain, Induce Relief And Promote Fast Healing.

All In The Matter Of Seconds...

I'm talking "full-body" pain relief in a matter of minutes (regardless of where it hurts).

This protocol can be used anywhere on the body. 

Imagine that…

Not only reducing the pain you feel on a daily basis but actually being able to FINALLY heal the issue

Imagine feeling like your body and tissues felt HEALTHIER and MORE MOBILE as more blood got to the source of your pain.

Yes, this new breakthrough is that BIG…

Because it means you can finally enjoy your life without agony.

And it means you can easily spend time with your spouse – even if they want to take a long walk or go on a hike. 

No pain induced naps

…or turning down your friends because you just “hurt too bad”

…or avoiding family get-togethers because you are in too much pain. 

Or what about finally getting to play with your grandkids again. 

Imagine How It Would Feel To Be Active With Your Family Again...

No Longer Missing Outings And Moments, Experiencing All Of The Important Moments That Pain Has Stolen From You.

These are important moments you should protect at all costs. 

No more saying "No".

In fact, soon after learning the simple secret, your pain could fade until it’s long out of your mind. 

And you’ll enter a new phase in your life. 

With your joints feeling years, if not decades younger. 

That sounds pretty great… doesn’t it?

But I’m sure it also sounds too good to be true.

So, let me assure you…

Everything I just said can be backed up with Iron Clad Science. 

In fact, it’s all published in clinical studies – which I’ll share with you in just a minute.

But I admit, when I first saw the research, even I didn’t believe it…

This Discovery Will Give You the Ability to "Target Pain" and Ease it, At Any Age…

Without a Single Drug, Pill or Cream

All you have to do is sit back while I share the science behind this revolutionary pain-fighting protocol.

So, please…

If your body hurts...

If you have soft tissue like your back and knees that are inflamed.
And they just keep hurting more and more as you age. 

.... And if you’d do ANYTHING to finally feel relief and get BACK TO LIFE

Give me just 60 seconds to share the science behind this exciting new solution.

My research has helped change thousands of lives, some of which you will read about today. 

But First, Here Is A Little About Me...

I Am Known For Pain Relief Innovations

Again, my name is Clint Winters and I am a medical scientist.

Even if you don't know me directly, you probably know some of my inventions.

... Or use products produced with my Dual Polar Extraction technology.

I am known publicly as an anti-aging and nutraceutical expert. 

My most public innovation has been natural conolidine, a supplement considered the largest pain relief breakthrough in the last 100 years.
Today it is used by millions and has become the "go to" reliever for professional athletes. 

This natural ingredient was developed and patented by myself and my lab.

So, I know a thing or two about cutting edge pain relief. 

Conolidine is VERY innovative in the supplement space

... And What I Am Revealing Today Is The Most Innovative, Non Drug, Non Supplement Pain Relief Technology I Have Ever Come Across.

Plus, it actually provides ACCELERATED healing, unlike anything else in the world.
One that PROBABLY provides results in seconds and builds over days and weeks.

Truly, truly incredible science. 

... And here is why you can count on the fact that I am not biased.

I’m not a doctor, I’m a known and respected health scientist who is NOT owned by Big Pharma.

A license to practice medicine is not held over my head if I do real research into real solutions that fall outside of pharmaceuticals. 

I can play by my own rules when it comes to delivering proven information. 

I simply follow the evidence, where-ever it leads, natural or not.

Clinical studies don't lie.

Side Effect listings don't lie.

I Am Able To Bring You The FULL And HONEST Truth That Mainstream Medicine Wants You To Gloss Over.... 

In fact, most of the information I deliver is not taught in medical school, it has been discovered after years of worldwide research.

I study clinical trials from all parts of the world to find emerging solutions.

Solution exactly like you are reading about today. 

I’m certainly not afraid to go against the grain. 

For years, I’ve made it my mission to dive deep below the surface…

Find the true root cause of today’s most common ailments…

And develop simple, at-home protocols based on sound science. 

Most importantly, however, it’s also how I learned about this emerging technology

And all of the research that has been piling up for years, even decades.  

All Along, We Have Had An Answer To Joint Pain And Tissue Inflammation And It’s Not A Pill Or A Rub.

Your Pain No Longer Has To Be Helpless

What I am revealing today is a way to instantly promote healing

And allow for more function and mobility, while maintaining a feeling of relief. 

First, however, I want you to know…

Despite what you may be thinking now…

I know how you feel.

Joint-related pain can feel totally hopeless.

I’ve heard that over and over. 

Now, Tell Me If This Sounds Familiar...

One day – almost out of the blue – you start to feel an ache. 

One that would fade away in the past. 

But, this time it didn’t 

In fact, it kept getting worse. 

Then, you think back to the knee you hurt while playing football or the shoulder you strained while playing tennis.

Day by day those injuries come back to haunt you. 
“It’ll get better,” you think.

And maybe it does… for a couple of days.

But then, it comes back and it feels even worse. 

Now you stop activities like golf or...


Even relaxing at home is painful. 
Before too long, you don’t want to leave your house. 

You are missing family get-togethers. 

Simply moving around is difficult. 

During an especially bad fit, you can barely sit up. 

You buy some supplements.

They don’t work.

Finally, you break down and see the doctor.

You spend a fortune on tests. 

They identify your issues, show you what has “broken down” and suggest a painful surgery.

Which you know will make it worse in the long run.

Or pills.

Pills that will keep you sedated and out of it.

Regardless, your regular life is over.

Your long-awaited retirement is over. 

You either hurt, or you are high - either way, you can’t be cognizant and active. 

Then you start to think, could you have done this differently?

Today, I Am Here To Tell You That There Is ANOTHER Option

One That Addresses The Root Cause Of Pain...

... And here is the best part, it actually addresses the root cause of your pain.

It actually works to HEAL and SOOTHE what is making you hurt in the first place.

It works to take your aged, broken down muscles and joints and restore them to their former glory, virtually eliminating your pain.


... It All Comes Down To Maximizing The HEALING Circulation You Have Lost Over The Years.

Remember, Your Circulation is Your Natural Response to Pain & Inflammation

Your Blood Heals and Soothes

Remember this...

When your Circulation goes, Your Relief Goes.

As Your Circulation Ages Your Healing All But Stops, Leaving Inflamed Tissues To Ruin Your Days. 

Think about it...

When you get hurt, what happens?

The injury swells, right?

Well, that is your blood rushing to your damaged tissue to get to work.

It comes mobilized, ready to soothe and heal.

In fact, blood specifically carries oxygen to the damaged tissues, which induces healing. 
Oxygen is required for healing.

That is why “hyperbaric” chambers have gotten popular.

The additional oxygen accelerates healing.

However, this is where the issue comes in.

One of the most common side effects of age is poor circulation.

Each day, you are LOSING the ability to heal. 

With Boosted Circulation...

You Will Feel Fast Relief as You Heal and Your Pain Simply "Fades Away"...

Imagine just pressing your “pain off” switch. 

Imagine it just turning down like gas on a grill, to the lowest setting possible.

That is exactly how your body reacts to increased circulation. 

As more and more blood makes it to your tissues, the faster they heal. 
They get healthier and healthier by the day.

And heal more and more

When this happens, pain naturally decreases.

And the best part is, this happens as soon as blood makes it to your inflamed tissues. 

Sometimes, you feel a difference from the first few seconds.
This all sounds great, right?

But, there is a profound issue. 

How do you safely and naturally get your circulation back?

You see, normally, circulation pills can be dangerous for aging Americans as they seem to cause heart issues.

That is why THIS breakthrough is so novel.

It is NOT a pill. 

And, there is no risk to your heart. 

This is a way to boost circulation RIGHT where you need relief.

NASA Scientists Discover a "Pill Free" Way to Immediately Promote Healthier Circulation

Introducing FAR Infrared Light Rays

Ok, it is time.

I am now going to reveal the MAJOR secret of this entire report.

The secret to better, safer, and healthier circulation.

The trick that will quickly allow you to get your tissues what they need to thrive at any age. 

The secret is FAR Infrared light rays.

Let’s start from the beginning... 
These light rays were first found in the 1800s by Sir William Herschel who began to understand that different light rays, had different heat signatures.

This would become very important in today’s research. 

Then, in the 1960s, they were studied by NASA as a safe way to gently induce heat.

Their research found that this specific light ray gently induced heat at a “deep tissue” level, positively affecting the body.
... And this heat naturally stimulated nitric oxide. 

In Fact, They Filed Patents On Far Infrared Generating Inserts For Space Suits As It Helped Stimulate Cardiovascular Circulation In The Absence Of Gravity

All It Had to Do Was Touch The Skin...

Plus, all it had to do was touch skin, no further activation required.

Obviously, your heart is what pumps your blood so this was a very early indicator of what circulation benefits were to come. 

But, it was found to have another VERY important function, one that is extremely important to what you are learning about today. 

A function that ties DIRECTLY to your ability to circulate blood.

It Boosts the Nobel Prize Winning “Miracle Molecule”

Which Directly Promotes Enhanced Circulation...

Now, make sure you read this section close, as it is the KEY to everything.

Science now knows that FAR Infrared DIRECTLY stimulates nitric oxide, which is key for healthy circulation at any age.

In Fact, Nitric Oxide Is Known As The “Miracle Molecule” And It Is Responsible For Gently & Safely Expanding Your Blood Vessels, Allowing For ENHANCED Circulation At Any Age.

Nitric oxide works quickly and safely.

And this is why the discovery of nitric oxide won a Nobel Prize.

But, for you, today, it could be the key to a life of fast recovery and relief. 

As you now have a way to stimulate healthier circulation, without taking pills or risking your heart.

As it turns out, your skin just needs to absorb this special type of light ray.

Just imagine, INSTANTLY having healthier circulation and healing power.

Regardless of your age.

Imagine More And More Blood Making It To Your Inflamed And Achy Joints, Bringing Them Healing And Relief.

That would be life changing, right?

This is not a pipe dream, this is science.

Heck, science that was so powerful, NASA filed a patent.

...But When the NASA Patents Expired, Private Innovation Flourished

Safe And Powerful Healing and Relief

As you know, patents expire.

And that is exactly what happened to NASA. 
Once their FAR Infrared patent expired, many private companies jumped on this technology for private production.

And, it simply boomed.

Now, all over the world, you have all types of FAR Infrared technologies.

FAR Infrared saunas are popping up all over.

You can go to one locally or buy one for your home.

They are very, very expensive, but very effective.

I personally swear by them.
You also have FAR Infrared medical devices which can be accessed in high end pain relief clinics. 

Even FAR Infrared mattresses and heating pads for better sleep and recovery.

FAR Infrared Technologies Are Growing Leaps & Bounds In Popularity Because They Are Safe And Highly Effective

Again, they are all tremendously expensive. 

... And, they are not portable, which is a concern I address a little later. 

What good is relief, if it is only temporary?

Regardless, the popularity and reputation of FAR Infrared is simply incredible...

Today, FAR Infrared is Used in High-End Pain Therapy Clinics To Accelerate Healing and Deliver Relief

... And The Results Are Incredible

First is was NASA

And then a ton of well-respected, independent research firms.

Now the world is taking notice of this healing technology.
As I have said, FAR Infrared saunas are now all over.

However, you are also seeing this technology pop up in high end sports clinics and pain relief centers. 

More and more “healing” machines are featuring a variation of FAR Infrared.

Sports therapy has embraced it as the future

In fact, you will find a FAR Infrared sauna in professional training rooms all around the country.
Many trainers swear by the fact this novel technology keeps player joints and muscles HEALED and ready for action. 

Powerful stuff, right?

However, nothing holds a candle to what I am going to show you.

It fixes a MAJOR flaw.

Yes, Traditional Far Infrared Has ONE Huge Drawback…

Sadly, The Relief Benefits Are Only Temporary

It is NOT portable.

In fact, many FAR Infrared machines are big and clunky. 

… And here is the reality.

FAR Infrared Is HIGHLY EFFECTIVE But It Is ONLY Effective While You Are Using The Technology...

Once you turn off the machine or get out of the sauna, the benefits end.

Your circulation slows

Healing Slows

… And relief STOPS

Kind of stinks, right?

You are feeling great, and then BACK TO AGONY.

So, this is when I focused my scientific efforts.

I knew portable FAR Infrared was the future of relief.

My Mission Became Looking For Powerful Relief Technology That Could Be Used 24/7

The Future of Drug-Free Pain Relief

As I have told you, I have been dedicated to major pain relief research for most of my career. 

I have dedicated years finding a solution that is suitable for 24/7 use. 

I Dove Headfirst Into Studying Every Aspect Of FAR Infrared, Searching For A Portable Solution

I began understanding its incredible benefits while reading the Harvard review (below).

Once I understood history and science, I went all out.
I started digging deeper and deeper.

I started finding the origins of this technology, to fully understand its potential.

I started researching natural ways to produce FAR Infrared. 

As each day passed I became convinced this was the future of drug-free pain relief, circulation, and healing.
Low and behold, I had finally found it.

An innovation, unlike anything I had seen before.

Backed by incredible research and proven laboratory studies..

Introducing Non Thermal FAR Infrared 

24/7 Circulation & Healing Support

Here is where things got really interesting. 

As you know, Traditional FAR Infrared requires electricity.  

This is why FAR Infrared saunas and devices require a plug.

However, FAR Infrared is also naturally produced by certain rare earth minerals

You see, certain rare earth minerals have what is called a “Piezoelectric Effect” which is a fancy word for “naturally produces heat”

… And a subset of these minerals actually produce FAR Infrared waves.

One Classic Example Is Black Tourmaline Which Is Used Extensively In The Hair Care World Due To It’s Ability To Emit Natural Heat.

It is technology inside “Ionic” hair dryers and straighteners.

As I dug deeper, I realized Harvard was already studying the healing effects of these specialized minerals.

... And the best part, they can be applied 24/7.

The support and relief NEVER has to go away. 

Plus, the “closed door” results were game changing. 
Non Thermal FAR Infrared was every bit as effective as the traditional version. 

... And the clinical research began pouring in.

Non-Thermal FAR Infrared Was First Validated By Harvard Medical School Researchers in 2012

...And They Said It Is The Future of Healing

Harvard heard the rumblings of this innovative technology and in 2012 they did a full clinical review.

This review was very thorough, covering over 46 other reviews and clinical studies related to Non Thermal FAR Infrared therapies.  

They started by investigating the light ray itself, where it existed in the light spectrum, and how it penetrated the body.

Then they broke down how FAR actually affects the human body and its absorption rate into human tissues.

They then dove into FAR Infrared and the skin and identified the nitric oxide benefits that have been well documented.

Overall, they agreed the nitric oxide benefits were big and tied to the promotion of circulation and healing. 
They even investigated how FAR Infrared may attack cancer cells, but that assertion needs much, much more investigation.

Now, here is where things get really interesting...

They were able to validate the presence of rare earth minerals and natural FAR Infrared.

They went as far as investigating early wearable technologies and how they affected joint health.

Overall, they concluded the results were very positive and this emerging technology had a ton of potential.
In the end, they encouraged more and more study.

As researchers believe...

“Far Infrared (FIR) Has Real And Significant Biological Effects, Then The Possible Future Applications Are Wide-Ranging." 

In fact, they went on to predict that the healing benefits could be added to...
  • Bandages and Dressings
  • Therapeutic Fabrics
  • Sports Apparel for Performance Enhancement

Top Researchers Believe Non Thermal FAR Infrared Is The Future Of Pain Relief And Recovery

I also believed the same thing.

... That was my innovation catalyst.

I was driven to take this science and research EVEN further.

I wanted to create the most powerful non thermal FAR Infrared technology in the world.

... Maximize this ALREADY INCREDIBLE technology

This Research Led Me To Create "Pure Infrared", The Most Powerful Far Infrared In The World

I began this process in 2010.

I built this upon Harvard research and filed patents on the most powerful Non-Thermal FAR Infrared technology in the world.

Here is exactly what I did...

Firstly, I wanted to make this technology wearable, so people could get effect 24/7. 
It all began with finding the most potent blend of FAR Infrared generating rare earth minerals. 

... And learning how to get the most out of them. 

I Used Cutting Edge Nano Technology To Pulverize These Powerful Rare Earth Minerals Into A Highly Active Powder

This is where the name Fusion Nano™ came into play.

I "Fused" several rare earth minerals together using proprietary Nano Technology.

This formed a powder that could be blended into any type of silicone, making it INSTANTLY wearable.

With that in mind...

I Then Took This FAR Infrared Blend And Molded It Directly Into Medical Grade Silicone, That Could Be Worn Directly On The Wrist.

First Generation Pure Infrared

Each device was made with military-grade silicone so it would hold up forever. 

It was as simple as wearing a wristwatch, but MASSIVE benefit. 

It can be worn 24/7 with no issue. 
... And the internal test results were astounding. 

This novel FAR Infrared blend was POWERFUL.

I could monitor everything in a lab setting. 

I physically watched blood vessels gently expand, allowing more blood in.

I saw it happen in real-time on medical monitors.

Here one example photo. 

Imagine Your Circulation Increasing Quickly And Easily As Your Vessels Gently And Naturally Expand. 

From that lab setting, I also began testing with thermal imaging.

He wanted to see visible proof of increased heat and circulation. 

I wanted to see the tissues gently warm and allow blood in, inducing the healing process.

Those photos were shocking and showed just how effective this technology really, really was.

You can actually see how one side is warmer while the FAR Infrared is actively absorbing and gently heating the inflamed area.

Seeing these incredible healing effects were stunning.
Afterward, I took another huge step. 

I commissioned a full, third-party, double-blind, placebo-based clinical study.

He wanted further scientific validation for what I was seeing in scientific testing.

With these kinds of real medical results, I would be able to share with the world and change lives. 

A Double Blind Clinical Trial Would FULLY VALIDATE That These Incredible Benefits And Prove This Science Was The Future Of Wearable Pain Relief

I just needed to know this was as powerful as I thought. 

Needless to say, I was SHOCKED by what happened in the trials...

Pure Infrared™ Is Fully Backed By A Randomized Pain And Performance Clinical Trial

Now, this is a step very few take.

Firstly, clinical trials are very expensive. 

Placebo-Controlled Clinical Testing Is Not Cheap And Normally Reserved For Big Pharma Due To The Massive Cost.

But, I knew this technology was a major breakthrough. 

This is the future of joint and muscle health, but I wanted full scientific validation. 

So, the private trial was conducted by a well-respected clinical trial firm and it was done with the following guidelines.
  • Double-Blind
  • Placebo Based
  • Board Registered
The registration means it follows guidelines that would allow it to be published in an accredited medical journal.

The comprehensive test was geared towards testing overall pain relief, muscle performance & mobility.

... As a sub test we added a daily energy survey to see how participants felt while using the technology. 

Specific tests for strength, balance and muscle endurance were laid out and approved

Participants Were Chosen And Many Suffered From A Variety Of Tissue And Joint Ailments.

They were handed devices to wear on their wrists.  

Half received placebo and the other half received devices with the active, non-thermal FAR Infrared releasing minerals.

And then, the trial started. 

The Pain Relief Results Were Incredible...

Fusion Nano™ Wearable FAR Infrared Induced Powerful Pain Relief In Just 15 Minutes...

Plus, Results Increased With Time

The first facet of the study had to do with its specific ability to provide relief. 

The trial individuals were chosen, with age ranges from 20 - 57.

They had to be overall healthy but suffer from chronic pain.

The pain reported in this trial was the shoulder, back, elbow, and wrist pain - with no history of surgery.
Additionally, they were not on any medications.

These subjects were asked to rate their pain on the VAS scale of 1 - 10, and then they were given an “active” FAR Infrared wearable or placebo.

They then were asked again in 15 minutes and 24 hours.

At the 24 hour mark, all wearables were confiscated for a full three days.

This was considered the “Reset” period, so there were no carry-over effects. 

*Fusion Ionz is now Fusion Nano

After three days the subjects again rated their pain and were given the wearable they had not worn.

i.e. The placebo group got an active unit, so on and so forth.

This method prevents biological “learning” which is a type of placebo effect.

After this concluded, the placebo group wore the “active” wearable for 7 days.

Upon conclusion, the results were just as astounding as before

Firstly, the “active” wearables produced... 

“Significantly Decreased Pain From Baseline Values At 24 Hours And One Week

This study showed that relief happened in just minutes and got stronger day by day. 

Researchers stated they believe 

“It Is Likely To Produce A Greater And Sustained Effect When Worn For Longer Periods

The testing then moved to muscle performance. 

Next, Strength, Balance, Flexibility, and Muscle Endurance Were Tested...

Major Physical Enhancements Noted

For this phase of testing, researchers tested the flexibility, strength, balance, and endurance of healthy subjects, ranging from 20 - 57

None had a high fitness level.

Institutional Review Board approval was also obtained for this study.

... And the trial began.

*Fusion Ionz is Now Fusion Nano

Firstly, a baseline performance test was conducted on the core functions balance, strength, flexibility and muscle endurance. 

Subjects then waited a week and retested their baseline to ensure the numbers were accurate.

After the second testing, they were given an “active” wearable or placebo, in a randomized format and asked to wear it for 7 days.

Here are the incredible average results in just 7 days.
Flexibility: Average improvement of 3.8% and Max Improvement of 15.9%
Hand Strength: Average improvement of 6.1% and Max Improvement of 27.4%
Endurance: Average improvement of 21.8 % and Max Improvement of 66.7%

“Furthermore, There Was A Highly Significant Difference Between The Active And Placebo Bands In All Tests Of Strength, Balance, Flexibility, And Endurance”

Plus, Balance Significantly Improved

To me, this was very important to witness.

Think about this...

According to the CDC...

1 In 4 Americans, Over 65, Will Fall Each Year, Leading To A Serious Health Risk

Every 11 Seconds, a senior is treated for a fall.

Every 19 minutes, an older adult dies from a fall. 

These stats are terrifying.
I wanted to take a moment and really focus on this aspect of FAR Infrared.

Balance is so important as you age.

Think about it, you may be “one fall” away from a life-changing event or even death. 

How many people do we know that fell and then never fully recovered?

They were never quite the same. 
That is why this portion of the test was so important to me.

… And the results blew me away.

While Using A Non-Thermal FAR Infrared Wearable, Balance Had A Standard Improvement Of 20.3% And A Peak Improvement Of 66.7%

Heck, the WORST result was still a substantial 6.2% increase

Think about doing something, today, that was clinically proven to give you a 20% better balance.

What if you saw a 66% improvement?

How much safer would you feel knowing you are promoting balance?

That is security.

That is peace of mind.

Now, here is the conclusion that really blew me away.

I have to say, from years of studying clinical trials, this is what excited me the most.

It is rare to see nearly 100% of the participants testing a protocol, have success at some level. 

Normally you see big results from some and negative from others.

With Fusion Nano™ technology, it consistently performed well, across the entire study group.

This is what the researchers found. 

It should also be noted that nearly every participant saw a positive change over baseline, with the average increase being 14.42%.

As researchers stated…

“This consistent effect across all subjects demonstrates that the Fusion Nano™ wearable has a positive action on nearly everyone that wears it”

They went on to say...

“Conversely, the placebo group produced decreases in more than half of the outcome measures” 

“Furthermore, there was a highly significant difference between the active and placebo bands in all tests of strength, balance, flexibility, and endurance”

Overall Every Single Participant Saw a Positive Physical Effect Including a Daily Energy Boost

Yes! A 100% Success Rate

Out of everything, this is what blew me away the most. 
It is rare to see 100% of clinical trial participants have success at some level. 

Normally you see big results from some and negative from others.

With Pure Infrared technology, it consistently performed well, across the entire study group.

This is what the researchers found. 
It was noted that nearly participant saw a positive change over baseline, with the average improvement being 14.42%.

As researchers stated…

“This Consistent Effect Across All Subjects Demonstrates That Pure Infrared Has A Positive Action On Nearly Everyone That Wears It”

They went on to say...

“Conversely, The Placebo Group Produced Decreases In More Than Half Of The Outcome Measures” 

“Furthermore, There Was A Highly Significant Difference Between The Active And Placebo Bands In All Tests Of Pain Relief, Strength, Balance, Flexibility, And Muscle Endurance”

Here Is What That Means For You...

  • Increased Muscle Strength
  • Increased Flexibility
  • Decreased Muscle/Joint Pain
  • ​​Increased Muscle Endurance and Flexibility

Day To Day Pure Infrared™ Provides Game Changing Benefits That Will Allow You to Live A More Active Lifestyle Doing The Things You Love Most 

Plus, Daily Energy Was Vastly Improved

“In a self-report of energy levels, the active wearable produced a significant increase in energy that was over twice that of placebo. 

In addition, the placebo band did not
produce a significant increase in energy levels.

Proven pain relief WHILE feeling good daily

Now, think about how huge this is..

Traditionally, Pain Relief Comes Along With Drowsiness. With Pure Infrared™ You Actually FEEL GREAT While Get Proven Relief, Performance and Healing Benefits.

With this, I had iron clad clinical proof.

Backed by Randomized and placebo-controlled data. 

This innovative technology had the ability to reduce pain, promote healing and boost performance and energy.

And all you had to do was touch it to your skin. 

That's it. 

Think about what that means.

That means waking up feeling great, with more energy. 

Pure Infrared Gives You The Ability To Go Out And ENJOY Life, Performing At Higher Levels, 100% Energetic And Pain Free.

Finally Live Pain Free Without Pills

Think about it...

If you had NO pain and increased strength, balance, endurance, and energy, what could you dominate?

What type of new life could you lead?

Armed with this clinical knowledge, I moved into further innovation.

… Innovation that expanded outside of a bracelet. 

I Took All Of This Data And Engineered A Simple Device That Can Go Anywhere On The Body, Instantly Reducing Pain...

Easy and Powerful 24/7 Healing & Relief

This process took me months.

At the beginning I was stuck on the idea of “technology that attaches” like wristbands or ankle bracelets.

I even looked at placing in things like Ace bandages.

However, everything seemed so clunky.

I Really And Truly Wanted A Way To Attach This Pure Infrared ANYWHERE On The Body, Bringing INSTANT Healing And Relief

… And then I saw an ad for “Rock Tape” and a huge light bulb went off.

Now Rock tape has nothing to do with FAR Infrared, but the application was brilliant.

It hit me, what if Pure Infrared with embedded in a thin silicone pad that could attach anywhere on the body.

… And today’s innovation was born.

I designed a 2 x 2 circle silicone patch that was nearly paper thin. 

However, the silicone was 100% mixed with my Pure Infrared mineral mixture.

I then designed speciality gel tape that could hold this insert anywhere on the body for up to a week.

It stays through pool days, activities and showers

The design was a success, Pure Infrared could now be applied to any part of the body.

However, like my previous inventions, I needed laboratory proof.

   First, I Laboratory Validated FAR Infrared Output

This was important for me to see.

I wanted to ensure this pad was still as powerful as the wearable devices my lab had previously created and tested.

To be transparent, the size difference initially worried me.

However, after the first test ALL of my concerns faded away.

We tested and confirmed FAR Infrared output with laboratory grade testing devices.

Not Only Was This New Insert As Powerful As The Initial Bracelet, It Emitted 26% More Healing FAR Infrared.

Yes, smaller, more versatile and 26% more powerful.

Huge victory!

  I Then Validated The INSTANT Circulation Increase

Frankly, doing this test never gets old.

It is so cool to see INSTANT results like a boost in circulation.

So few times in health do you get to watch something provide an INSTANT benefit, right in front of your eyes.

… And the new insert did not disappoint.

I have actually posted the video so you can watch it as well. 

The effect was IMMEDIATE just like the bracelet.

… And that solidified this invention.

It’s code name is Fusion Nano CIRCLE™

This was the future… 

The Fusion Nano CIRCLE™ Could Seamlessly Go Anywhere On The Body And It Would Go To Work Instantly. 

It wasn’t long before we began conducting internal tests with astounding results.

To date it has helped thousands overcome joint and muscle pain all over the body.

But lets start with what it has done for me. 

The Fusion Nano CIRCLE™ Is My Secret Weapon When It Comes To Physical Performance

I Heal and Perform Like I Am 18 Again

My expertise in the field of anti-aging is well known.

I not only study groundbreaking technologies, I use them daily.

Fusion Nano CIRCLE™ is no different

… And I have used my own research to transform my health and my body to levels many thought we impossible.

Here Is Me At 25, And Now At 42 Years Old...

Now, clearly I lost a lot of weight.

No, Fusion Nano CIRCLE™ is not for weight loss...

This Technology Helped Me Dramatically In My Daily Exercise And Muscle & Joint Recovery

You don’t change like this without working out hard.

… And working out hard after 40 normally leads to soreness and injury, right?

In fact, many feel their physical prime is OVER at 35.

Fusion Nano CIRCLE™ has changed that for me.

I use this technology daily on any muscles or joints that are sore and they heal miraculously well.

I heal with superhuman speed.

… And I am able to outwork anyone in the room, at any time, at any age.

Each day I come back fresh and ready to go furthering my physical progress.

I can honestly say I feel better at 41 than I did in college (even before I gained weight).

At 42 Years Old, Fusion Nano CIRCLE™ Has Brought Me “Prime Of Life” Healing And Recovery And I Still Feel The Best Is Yet To Come

I Will Never Go A Day Without This Support

In fact, I truly believe the best is yet to come.

… And I’m not alone.

The Fusion Nano CIRCLE™ has provided INCREDIBLE results for thousands of test users.

Over A Full Year, I Have Watched it Fight Pain, Induce Healing and Bring Hope to Thousands

THIS is why I am so excited.

Clinical And Laboratory Proof Is Important But REAL WORLD Results Is Where The Rubber Meets The Road

I have seen this technology work for so many people, in and out of a clinical trial setting.

Real people, just like you and me. 

To Date Fusion Nano™ FAR Infrared Technology Has Helped 27,126 Test Users Instantly Increase Their Circulation, Healing And Relief

For those in pain, this technology has been life changing.

In fact, here are some incredible Pure Infrared stories... 

These are just a few of the THOUSANDS...

* Stories And Names Are Real, We Used Stock Images For Privacy

Maria S.

"I'm actually SMILING again! Chronic pain has kept me in a depressive state for years. Pills just made me tired. The CIRCLE actually works and ITS MOBILE. When pain pops up, I have a way to treating it fast. THANK YOU!"

John F.

"Overall, I am a pretty fit guy, but things went down hill after 40. Nagging pain and injury kept me from doing the things I love. CIRCLE changed all of that. I just apply it and it goes to work. It works WAY BETTER than pain cream and I refuse to take pain pills. These things are the real deal!

Marissa R.

"I have suffered with Chronic Arthritis for years so I was really skeptical. BUT THESE THINGS WORK. I place them on my wrist and WOW, my pain just fades away. It is so cool!"

Peter P.

"Two years ago I injured by back really bad. Honestly, I never thought I would live without pain again. With my job I can't take pain killers and cremes would only help for a few minutes. The Fusion Circle has CHANGED MY LIFE. They really do provide 24/7 relief and healing, it is amazing. My Doctor is even shocked by my recovery."

Russel S.

"THESE THINGS WORK. I honestly have no idea how they do what they do BUT I know what i feel. When applied my skin tingles from more blood and pain just fades away. CRAZY!"

Constance Manson

 Verified User

I have been using “the circle” for about two weeks and have erased the pain in my shoulder, hip and wrist so far. The circles are easy to apply and stay in place no matter the chore.So glad I found this company And I will continue to use them as the need arises.Thank you so much

Karen Thomas 

 Verified User

I was on Opiods for almost 16 years...when I first tried Conolidine Liquid in 2020 I was I had weaned off the Opiates but tge. You could not sell it anymore so back on them...I then found out y'all were selling again..I use the Nano Circles now as the liquid hurts My throat..I have Oste I Arthritis from My Neck into My feet. I also have FIBROMYALGIA....I love the Nano Circles and buy 6 every month but I keep the liquid for Emergencies...thank you....BTW, I tell all My Friends and Family how great Conolidine is..

John Billingsley

 Verified User

As a nationally ranked Masters Track and Field athlete I am always experiencing aches and pains. I have been able to specifically target my shoulder pain with the Fusion Nano Circle. Also, after a hard sprint workout the Fusion Nano Insoles help to reduce pain in my toes. The double sided tape lasts for several days before I need to replace it. 

Day By Day These Participants Experienced Better Circulation, Increased Healing And Tremendous "Full Body" Pain Relief.

I have watched people overcome the pain they thought they would never beat.

... They will NEVER go a day without. 

In fact, the results were so powerful we extended the test group even farther.

And they have done it with no other lifestyle changes.

No pills or creams or crazy diets.

They simply place this technology on their body and let it go to work.

For The Past 12 Months This Technology Has Been Used Exclusively In High End Sports Therapy and Pain Clinics

As you know the sports therapy and pain clinic industry has EXPLODED.

These practices are popping up all over the United States offering the affluent "in clinic" FAR Infrared and Red Light therapies for thousands per month.

... And the industry keeps growing because the technology worked.

Well, non thermal FAR Infrared has turned a lot of heads.

As soon as these clinics heard about the technology they wanted it for their patients.

We Have Extended Internal Testing To Some Of The Most Well Known Pain Therapy Clinics In The United States. 

… Like our private testing the results have been simply incredible.

Which brings me to this huge announcement...
Fusion Nano™ technology is finally ready for global release. 

All Intellectual property has been filed, you cannot find this technology anywhere else on earth.

This is the most advanced FAR Infrared innovation ever released. 

Nothing else has been extensively tested for a decade with these types of results.
Nothing else has been laboratory verified to produce THIS level of FAR Infrared and circulation support. 

... And nothing else can TARGET pain like this invention.

In Testing, this has already changed lives.

Plus, you saw the mind-blowing laboratory footage. 

I am very proud of this invention.

And I have watched it work over and over in my own lab tests.

So, without further hesitation...

Introducing Fusion Nano CIRCLE™, A Powerful Circulation & Healing Technology

No Prescription Needed

  • Enhances Healing Circulation In Seconds
  • Promotes Healthy Joints And Muscles
  • ​Can Be Used Anywhere On The Body
  • Apply In Seconds
  • ​ZERO Recorded Side Effects

Fusion Nano CIRCLE™ Can Be Accessed Without A Prescription & Goes to Work As Soon As It Touches Your Skin

This Is The World Wide Release

Finally, Fusion Nano CIRCLE™ is set for global release.

… It will finally be available to the general market

Today, On This Page, You Are Gaining Access To Fusion Nano CIRCLE™ Before The Rest Of The World.

You can’t find this proprietary technology anywhere.

It is not online or on store shelves.

In fact, general distribution won’t begin until much later this year.

This is really and truly a world exclusive.

You are so close to soothing and healing any painful area on your body in seconds. 

Ready? Here is what is happening. 

Industry Leading Defy Labs™ Is Set To Globally Distribute Fusion Nano CIRCLE™

Defy Labs is the laboratory behind Fusion NANO Circle™

The most innovation relief and healing technology in the world is about to be made public. 

I have fully licensed manufacturing and distribution to Defy Labs™, one of the most innovative natural health technology companies in the world. 

… And the only FAR Infrared testing laboratory in the United States.
Why Defy Labs™? Point blank, their manufacturing quality and innovation is second to none.

They Are World Leaders In Non Thermal FAR Infrared. 

I spent over a year researching and vetting the top manufacturing companies in the world.

Some of which produce for some of the largest health brands on the planet.
Many were good, but not great.

Many had HUGE production capacities, but they also utilized foreign facilities to drive costs down.

… This made me uncomfortable. 

Plus, none had the ability to offer a full service FAR Infrared QA program.

Simply put, Defy Labs™ stood head and shoulders above the rest.

However, What Really Sold Me Is Their Commitment To State Of The Art Testing Right In The United States.

Everything is fully tested and shipped right from the southeastern United States. 

Their focus is ABSOLUTE top-tier manufacturing and quality assurance. 

Until now they have ONLY privately manufactured Fusion Nano CIRCLE™ technology for the top private pain clinics in the United States. 
Yes, the same ultra high end clinics that cater to the ultra wealthy, selling innovative “relief” protocols for over $1,000 per month.

… Non Thermal FAR Infrared has been one of those top tier innovations for over a full year now. 

Cleary, Fusion Nano CIRCLE™ is worth every penny as it’s ability to increase circulation and instant healing is nearly unmatched. 

However, until now (on this page) the average American could not access Fusion Nano CIRCLE™.
Well, all of that changes today.
I am combining my disruptive technology with the best manufacturing and testing capabilities in the world. 

… And it will be manufactured at prices every aging American can afford.

This is going to life for ANYONE dealing with daily body pain. 

Plus, it is so easy to use...

Fusion Nano CIRCLE™ Is So Simple to Use, It Can Be Applied In Just Seconds...

Feel The Effects Immediatley

The Fusion Nano CIRCLE™ design was simple. 

I designed it to apply to the EXACT areas needed.
Each Fusion Nano CIRCLE™ comes with 4 pieces of our proprietary GEL tape, which is made to comfortably and securely keep it in place, even during grueling activities.

It is also water-resistant, so the adhesive stays while showering for up to a week.

Essentially, it won't come off until you are ready to replace the tape or the Fusion Nano CIRCLE™ pad itself. 

You can keep it in one spot or move it around. 

Fusion Nano CIRCLE™ Can Be Quickly Applied To Any Body Area That Needs 24/7 Pain Relief & Healing, The Powerful Gel Tape Keeps It In Place For Up To A Week During All Activities

Plus, You Can Use Multiple Pads At Once, Full Body Coverage

Yes! if you hurt in multiple areas, you can use MULTIPLE Fusion Nano CIRCLE™ pads at once, no problem at all. 

You are SO close to experiencing the power of the Fusion Nano CIRCLE™.

... You are about to gain access before anyone in the world.  

Once Applied, You Can Actually Feel It Working

Fusion Circle Goes To Work In Seconds

Now, this is the part that I love.

As we know most technologies are not IMMEDIATELY evident.

We have to use, keeping using and wait to see any sort of result.

With Fusion Nano CIRCLE™, You Can Actually Feel The Increased Circulation And Healing As It Is Happening

As soon as you place it on your skin it goes to work.

… You actually feel you blood begin to flow.

You feel the healing and relief begin to set in.

The Fusion Nano CIRCLE™ is one of the few technologies in the world that you can actually feel working.

Imagine All The Ways You Could Use It...

  • Playing Golf Or Tennis
  • While You Sleep
  • While You Spend Time With Your Family
  • While Working Out
  • On A Long Flight
  • On That Walk With Your Spouse

You Can Use Fusion Circle During Virtually Any Activity...

Pretty Cool, Right?

… And here is the best part.

You are moments away from trying it yourself.

Fusion Nano CIRCLE™ Is Set For A Global Retail Release in The Coming Months...

Soon, It Will Be On Shelves All Over The World

Fusion Nano CIRCLE™ is being produced as we speak. 

Then it will go through a full QA at Defy Labs. 
It is only months away from being sold all over the world, larger scale manufacturing is being set up as we speak. 

I can say this, the buzz is building…

There is HUGE consumer anticipation for a non drug pain relief protocol.
It is finally time to make Fusion Nano CIRCLE™ available to the world. 

As you can see, I took a ton of time in development. 

I spent over two years researching the healing boosting capabilities of FAR Infrared. 

… Then we clinically tested for nearly two years with miraculous results. 

After it was used exclusively in high end pain clinics clinics. 

This Is The First Time The New Fusion Nano CIRCLE™ Will Be Sold To The General Public, Outside of Physical Therapy Clinics

Right now global distribution is being organized with a target release date of 2023.

Now, we need to discuss pricing

I have great news!

New Fusion Nano CIRCLE™ IS 2% The Cost Of In Home FAR Infrared Saunas

It goes without saying, traditional FAR Infrared is expensive. 

Until today, the only reliable way to get FAR Infrared therapy from home is the purchase of a FAR Infrared sauna, which costs thousands. 

According To Consumer Research The Average Cost Of An In Home FAR Infrared Sauna Is $9,500+

However, they can be priced as high as $10,000 - $15,000!

... And retailers are popping up all over the country because FAR Infrared works and they wealthy are snapping them up faster than they can be made.
Many of these retailers charge thousands for the machine and hundreds for install. 

… And it only provides benefit while you are inside.

All in all, spending THOUSANDS for FAR Infrared inside and 

Why? Well, they really work well

They provide INCREDIBLE pain relief and circulation benefit.

For those with wealth, a few thousand is a small price to pay for daily "whole body" pain relief.

… And that is why Fusion Nano CIRCLE™ is such a value.

Medical 6 Full Spectrum Sauna


As You Now Know Fusion Nano CIRCLE™ Is The SAME FAR Infrared Technology Used In These High End Machines

However Fusion Circle Portable And Available For 2% Of The Cost

As you will see other comparable technologies are 10X higher in price. 

… And many other FAR Infrared therapy's require "in clinic" expensive doctors visits to even access. 

Fusion Nano CIRCLE™ is OTC.

Fusion Nano Circle™ Is Even Less Expensive Than Scammy “FAR Infrared Gadgets” Sold All Over The Internet

We have to address the “dark side” of pain relief

The underbelly supplement market full of dangerously laced products and devices that only bank on HOPE.

They have no ACTUAL scientific backing. 

Natural Pain Relief Products Are Some Of The Biggest Scams On The Market, Promising Huge Results For A Huge Price Tag.

Without Any Scientific Backing or Clinical Testing

Yet, most never actually work. 

Plus, they are not backed by credible science or testing. 

Heck, some are downright dangerous, laced with controlled substances. 

In all honesty, they prey on YOUR desire to live without pain.

They KNOW how much that would mean to you. 

They KNOW that feeling is essentially priceless. 

With that, pricing on these unproven products has gotten out of hand. 

They are insanely expensive…

Here are just a few we found today on
Crazy, right?

Most (if not all of these) do not have a minute of background clinical research.

Heck, they can't even prove their FAR Infrared output. 

Plus, they are big and bulky solutions. 

In My Mind, Nothing Competes With Fusion Nano CIRCLE™ When It Comes To Innovation, Proven Benefits Or Price. 

Prescription or OTC, nothing comes close. 

Fusion Nano CIRCLE™ offers incredible value and proven science.

… Plus no documented side effects

When all of this is factored in, $100 is an incredible value. 

However, today, I have GREAT news.

If you are on this page, you are about to access Fusion Nano CIRCLE™ before the rest of the world

… And with a huge discount.

But Even At $100 I Knew Many Cannot Afford Fusion Nano CIRCLE™

So I Negotiated A Huge Discount (This Page Only)

Now, to be clear, I am the inventor of Fusion Nano CIRCLE™.

I have patented this type of Wearable FAR Infrared Technology. 

I am incentivized by seeing the widespread use of this amazing technology for years to come.

I truly believe this will change pain relief for millions

I Want To See Millions Of Aging Adults FINALLY Get Safe And Fast Pain Relief And Healing... 

I am personally incentived when Fusion Nano CIRCLE™ is purchased anywhere in the world. 

With that known, the price point you pay TODAY has no bearing on me, only getting the world out about this amazing technology.   

So, I worked out a special offer with Defy Labs to make Fusion Nano CIRCLE™ as affordable as possible on this page only (just keep reading) 

Why? Well, here is my logic. 

I know this, many Americans (who desperately want to feel relief) cannot afford $100 or more per CIRCLE regardless of the value. 

… Especially during a down economy.

However, the Fusion Nano CIRCLE™ price is not changing when it hits stores.  

… It is already heavily discounted from when it was sold in private pain clinics for hundreds per CIRCLE™.  

Let's face it, retail distribution is expensive and Defy Labs™ is now becoming a global brand. 

They already have huge partnerships with some of the biggest retailers in the world.

… Everyone from top tier pharmacies to leading pain relief retailers. 

All of this costs millions in marketing fees, driving up the retail price per unit. 

Not to mention the large percentage desired by the end retailer in stores all over the world. 

Now, let me be clear - Fusion Nano CIRCLE™ is worth every bit of the $100 price point (frankly even 2X or 3X). 

What is a life of relief worth? I would argue a lot, right? 

… Especially if you have suffered for years. 

However, on this private page, you won't pay $100 per CIRCLE™

... You are accessing a limited number of promotional units, directly from the factory. 

You will not have to go through a retailer. 

To Be Clear These Units Are Exactly The Same As What You Would Buy In A Store, Just In Promotional Packaging. 

In fact, this is what Defy Labs™ sends out to new prospective retailers or medical brand ambassadors. 

Traditionally, these are never seen by the public. 

YES! You are getting "direct from the manufacturer" pricing on this page only. 

Each unit shipped right from the lab, to you, no questions asked. 

Point blank, You are about to gain access to Fusion Nano CIRCLE™ before the rest of the world for pennies on the dollar. 

But, how big is the discount?

You Can Try Fusion Nano CIRCLE™ For Just $100 $29 Per Pad (Plus Free Shipping)

... And 100% Money Back Guarantee

Now, to be clear, I am the inventor of Fusion Nano CIRCLE™.

I have patented this type of Wearable FAR Infrared Technology. 

I am incentivized by seeing the widespread use of this amazing technology for years to come.

I truly believe this will change pain relief for millions.

Here Is An Overview:

  • In Clinic FAR Infrared: $12,000 Per Year
  • At Home FAR Infrared Sauna: $3,500
  • FAR Infrared Portable Device: $500
  • ​​Fusion Nano Circle™ MSRP: $100
  • ​Fusion Nano Circle™ Online Discount: $67

On This Page You Only Pay: $29.00

Try For 71% Savings, Very Limited Pricing!

Why the 60 minute timer?

Due to Incredible Demand...

Defy Labs™ Only Authorized 500 Promotional Units, So This Page Refreshes Every 60 Minutes So Defy Labs Can Analyze Inventory

Why so few? Incredible Demand.

This product already has a huge amount of anticipation. 

Advanced pain relief technology is always very popular, millions are in daily pain. 

Over 100,000 readers have followed me just to watch the Fusion Nano CIRCLE™ developments.

... And they are reading this very same page as well. 

Frankly, 500 units will be gone in a New York minute. 

After, pricing will jet back up to full price.  

Plus, there are ways to save even more.

You Can Save As Much As $426 On Fusion Nano CIRCLE™

… And I will still have it shipped FREE directly from Defy Labs™.  

Here is how…

Some of you reading this have followed my work for a long time.

Or maybe you were part of the initial Fusion Nano CIRCLE™ private testing. 

With that known you can save EVEN more by purchasing additional pads (at no risk). 

As you know, you will pay $29 for one CIRCLE™ (You Save $71)

However, if you purchase 3 CIRCLEs you will save $213

… And if you purchase 6 CIRCLEs you will save $426

Why would you buy that many? 

Most users have multiple areas on their body that hurt. 

Again, these are the same as you would buy from a high end retailer.

... You might as well get as many as you need. 

Shipped directly from Defy Labs™ to your door for no charge. 

No strings attached, this is a one-time purchase (no subscriptions)

Plus, the redemption process is very simple, it takes less than 5 minutes. 

No hoops to jump through. 

At the bottom of this page, you will find a secure order form that takes only minutes to complete.

Once Finished, You Will Have Locked In One Of The First Fusion Nano CIRCLES™ Offered Anywhere In The World, For A Huge Discount

I can say this with ease.

For $29 you will not find a more potent FAR Infrared healing device. 

Frankly, nothing else begins to compare. 

…. And I still have a huge surprise. 

SAVE $71

Buy Pack of 1 Pc.
Retail Price: $100
You Save: $71

Best value!
SAVE $426
FREE Shipping

Buy Pack of 6 Pc.
Retail Price: $600
You Save: $426

SAVE $213

Buy Pack of 3 Pc.
Retail Price: $300
You Save: $213

Upon Purchase Of Fusion Nano CIRCLE™, Defy Labs™ Will Send You a $50 Gift Card Towards Any Product, Storewide

Access all of our products, even from our partner companies.

This is huge!

As you now know, Defy Labs™ produces some of the most powerful and effective products in the world.

Many private formulas that are considered the most effective anti aging and performance products ever released.

Powerful Innovations Such As...

  • Nutra IGF™ Natural HGH
  • PhytoTest™ Natural Testosterone
  • Sirtuin™ "Youth Gene Activation"
  • ​Liponine™ Blood Sugar Management
  • Carditrol™ Blood Pressure Support
  • Wearable FAR Infrared (Joint Healing)
  • Clinically Proven Sexual Support
  • ​Patented Skin Creams For Fighting Age

Plus, Anything New That Comes Out Of Development...

Each formula is manufactured using the highest quality protocols in the world.

… Just imagine what any one of these products could do for your daily life.

As soon as you complete your Fusion Nano CIRCLE™ purchase Defy Labs will activate a $50 gift card in your name.

Cool, right?

Plus, this entire transaction is risk Free

Try Fusion Circle 100% Risk Free For 90 Days

Backed by Defy Labs 100% Money Back Guarantee

If Fusion Nano CIRCLE™ Doesn’t Bring You Increased Circulation and Powerful Relief Defy Labs™ Will Buy It Back In Full, No Questions Asked. 

... And You Keep The $50 Gift Card

Yes, this is 100% serious.

This is how much I believe in Fusion Nano CIRCLE™. 
When I first suggested this policy Defy Labs™ thought I totally lost my mind.

Their financial controllers kind of froze up on me. 

Heck, I had to really persuade the CEO.

Then, they looked at all of my clinical data.

The Fusion Nano CIRCLE™ technology is POWERFUL and it works from the very first use. 
So, I wanted to remove ALL risk from your shoulders so you have no reason not to give it a shot. 

… All you have to do is try it once. 

Why? Because I know the power of feeling relief fall over you in seconds. 

For any many it is life changing. 

I use it personally and the results have been beyond words. 

90 Day, 100% Money Back Guarantee

If Fusion Nano CIRCLE™ Does Not Bring You Fast Relief & Healing Defy Labs Will Buy It Back And Let You Keep The $50 Gift Card. 

Here is how it works...

After purchase, you will get a full 90 days to use Fusion Nano CIRCLE™ and experience the “circulation enhancing” benefits. 

Use it as directed, so you can see and feel it work for yourself.  

When you do, it will be life-changing, I can say that with TOTAL confidence. 

However, if you don't feel the same, no worries.

You are not risking a dime. 

Defy Labs will buy your Fusion Nano CIRCLE™ back, you are out nothing.

... And here is the crazy part. 

You still get to keep and use the $50 Defy Labs™ gift card. 

That will be their loss

Defy Labs is willing to risk this because they have seen the effects of Red Ring™.

… They have read the user stories. 

You won't want to return it, heck, you will wish you ordered more.

However, it was important for me to totally remove your risk.

I believe in Fusion Nano CIRCLE™ with everything I have.

You won't ever want to go a day without one on your body. 

… And I have personally seen what it has done for thousands of aging adults. 

I don't want anything to come between you and total pain relief. 

This Is Your Chance To Try A Top Tier Pain Relief Technology for Pennies On The Dollar

You Have Less Than $0 At Risk

Today, Our Goals Align Perfectly For A True Win-Win Scenario

Your goal, you want powerful healing support so you can move into your later years and still enjoy an active lifestyle.

My goal, I want millions using Fusion Nano CIRCLE™, my patented technology. 

In this scenario, a huge discount benefits both of us. 

As more Fusion Nano CIRCLE™, the more the word will leak.

There will be whispers about what it is doing for aging men around the world. 

My personal and financial satisfaction comes from seeing millions use Fusion Nano CIRCLE™ to look and feel younger. 

Our Goals Are 100% Aligned...

You Care About Relief & I Care About Developing A Game-Changing Pain Relief Protocol Not About Profit Per Device Sold. 

Now, let me be crystal clear, I think the world of Defy Labs™, and that is why I trust them to exclusively produce and test Fusion Nano CIRCLE™ before shipping them out.  

That is why they get my full endorsement, they are the best in the world.

… And the only Non Thermal FAR Infrared test center in existence. 

However, Defy Labs™ is a large and growing manufacturer, top-notch in the field of anti-aging technology and Non Thermal FAR Infrared. 

I love what they stand for but they are also in the business of selling huge volumes of products through global retailers.  

... And they do it with big retailers who demand huge margins. 

All of that brings HUGE overhead, which means the retail cost will always remain higher. 

That is why you will find it on store shelves for $100 or more, all of those costs are factored into the final retail pricing.

Now, many will gladly pay $100 as it is worth 2X or 3X that amount.

Frankly, fast pain relief is priceless at any age.  

But, for millions, $100 is cost prohibitive, so they go without this “drug free relief” support. 

That is why I got approval from Defy Labs™ to set up this page and offer a limited number of promotional units for a huge discount. 

I am able to sidestep ALL of those costs to give you a dramatic discount. 

On This Page Only I Am Able To Give You "Factory Direct" Pricing, Saving You Up To 71%

At these prices Fusion Nano CIRCLE™ is accessible to every person reading this page. 

I want every adult in pain to experience what it feels like to reclaim your life by living pain free. 

To be clear, this is a no strings attached offer.

There is no "hidden subscription" or weird "gotcha".

You get access to a highly effective Fusion Nano CIRCLE™, just like you would find in a store or at a high end pain relief

The only difference is you will get “promotional” packaging.  

No other requirements past that. 

Plus, (as I said above) even after a huge discount, every dollar is guaranteed.

You Only Have One Glaring Risk...

By Leaving This Page You Risk Missing Out On Powerful & Fast Pain Relief And Healing

You are so close..

Let’s take a second and review.
  • Fusion Nano CIRCLE™ technology is based on technology from NASA and Harvard. 
  • It Has Been Clinically Studied and Validated for Nearly Five Years
  • ​It Has Been Designed To Work From the Very First Use
  • ​Fusion Nano CIRCLE™ Has Achieved astounding results from our private testing.
  • ​You get to try Fusion Nano CIRCLE™ Before Anyone In The World For a Huge Discount.
  • ​Your Purchase Is Backed by a 90 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee.

Plus, You Are Getting A No Strings Attached $50 Gift Card With Your Purchase.

You Keep It Even If You Return Your Fusion CIRCLE

… And if you don’t feel the powerful benefits after 90 days your entire purchase is backed by the Defy Labs™ 100% Money Back guarantee (and you keep the $50 gift card).
This is more than a risk-free offer.
If you aren’t happy you will receive every single penny back plus keep an extra $50. 
Frankly, you make out like a bandit. 
However, I know the truth about this situation.

Fast pain relief and healing is going to mean more to you. 
Fusion Nano CIRCLE™ IS going to work extremely well just like it has for thousands of others - I have seen it time and time again. 
… And when it DOES work for you, you will never want to go a day without. 
You won’t want to return, you will want to learn how to buy as many as you can 

… I have watched this happen over and over. 
Yes, you are THAT close to life changing technology.  
That is why not giving Fusion CIRCLE™ a chance is your biggest risk of all. 
You risk missing out on the totally body relief (even after 50).
… And heavily boosted self confidence to go out and enjoy life.  
You risk missing out on life events you can only do if you get out of pain. 
Don't make this mistake, you may regret it forever. 
You are closer than ever to having a better life. 

No more reading.
No more waiting.

Your Are One Click Away From Fast & Powerful Relief

This is the Defy Labs™ company creed, Do Not Go Gently. 

Do not let old age take you.
Fight back

… Fusion Nano CIRCLE™ is a powerful tool in that fight.

However, these promotional units will not last forever. 
In fact, look to the bottom left of the screen, all of those notifications are others who have claimed a hugely discounted Fusion Nano CIRCLE™. 
Remember, due to limited inventory this page resets every 60 minutes. 
When the clock hits "0" your exclusive access to a highly discounted CIRCLE™ goes away. 
This page will not refresh.
Your access and credit will be 100% gone. 
Don't let that happen.

The secure order form is just below

Online Offer Only

90% Claimed

WAS $100

On This Page: $29

*Due To Demand, 6 Unit Limit

  • ​$50 Gift Card Activated On Checkout
  • ​100% Money Back Guarantee
  • ​Free Shipping
  • FAR ​Infrared Healing Technology
  • ​Clinically Proven/Lab Proven


Where To Ship Order
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* Please See Shipping Disclaimer Below
This Order is Covered By Our 100% Money Back Guarantee
Since 2011 we have offered the strongest 100% Money Back Guarantee in the health industry. It is simple, if you do not like the product for any reason you can return it within 90 days for a 100% Full Refund. We give you a Full 90 days so you can get a chance to experience FULL USE of the product before you have to make a decision. 
* Please Be Advised When Adding Your Shipping Information When Placing An Order. If Any Part Of Your Shipping Information Is Entered Incorrectly Your Order Will Be Cancelled And Refunded
All statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are not intended to prevent, cure, treat or diagnose any disease.

Individual results may vary depending on your diet, health and physical condition. Results shown are not typical and you may not get the same benefits. However, by taking the supplement and living a healthy lifestyle with proper diet and moderate exercise, you give yourself the best chance at staying healthy and fighting off premature aging and other illnesses.

Research indicates that this product/ingredient may provide a health benefit. When the body is provided with healthy vitamins, minerals and enzymes, it is better equipped to keep you healthy. Individual results will vary and you should always consult with your doctor or health professional when taking any supplement or starting any health program.

Endorser Disclaimer: Clint Winters is a scientist and nutraceutical inventor, not a medical doctor. Nothing he says should be construed as medical advice. Any personal health questions should be directed to your personal physician. Mr. Winters is not compensated on the sale of products but compensated for use of his various nutraceutical ingredient manufacturing patents.

By entering your phone number you agree that we may send you text notifications and text marketing offers. If you wish to unsubscribe from receiving text marketing messages and notifications reply with STOP to any mobile message sent from us. You understand and agree that alternative methods of opting out, such as using alternative words or requests will not be accounted as a reasonable means of opting out. Message and data rates may apply.

Defy Labs, LLC